Fuji with NXT III as member of “Factory in a box”

FUJI MACHINE MFG. CO., LTD. as a member of a group of 12 electronics industry players, participated in a Nokia initiated initiative called “Factory in a box”.

The “factory in a box” concept aims to set up a production line in freight containers, which can be packaged and transported as an agile production system, ensuring operation in just a few hours. Due to several factors, the Fuji NXT (NXT III) placement machine has been nominated for this project. Its high valuation by Nokia is due to the fact that the NXT is the smallest placement machine in the world that works with high accuracy in placement, and that Nokia has been using Fuji placement machines for many years.

Potential uses for this concept include:

  • Response to changes in demand – The container can be driven to a location, run production for the required volume, and then be moved again as needed.
  • New product introduction – With new products, time to market is a competitive advantage. By moving the “factory in a box” to partner companies, prototyping can be done quickly, and fixes quickly performed and tested.
  • Disaster recovery – When a site is hit by a natural disaster, business continuity plans kick in, but can take time. With a spare portable factory, critical customer orders can still be achieved in a timely manner.

Fuji has been promoting the smart factory, which makes having high-quality and highly efficient SMT lines a reality. By joining the “factory in a box” group, the Fuji Smart Factory can be connected to a cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System. We are creating Industry 4.0 by equipping Fuji Smart Factory with this agile production system, which aims to bring production close to consumers around the world.

We are moving! From April 1st, 2018 we will have a new address and other changes!

The year 2018 began with many changes for Fuji.

On March 19th, just one year after the start of construction, we are moving to our own and innovative business building in Kelsterbach.

For more than 25 years we have been in Mainz-Kastel, but due to our steady growth, our current premises could no longer keep pace. To be prepared for the future and for a better professional support for you, we have decided to build our own company building. This enables further continuous growth too. Our new location is just a few kilometers from our previous headquarter. This allows us a smooth move.

Your contacts will also receive new phone numbers, which you will find in every email signature and on our homepage in the future:

Service Spare Parts Customer Process Support Logistics/Order Processing Sales
Michael Kwaschik

Service Manager

Stefan Mangold

Spare Parts Manager

Sascha Frieling

Manager Customer

Process Support

Konstantin Dukas

Order Processing Manager

Klaus Kölbel

Sales Manager

+49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 152 +49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 161 +49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 102 +49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 153 +49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 158
services@fuji-euro.de spareparts@fuji-euro.de inhouse@fuji-euro.de orderprocess@fuji-euro.de sales@fuji-euro.de

Please understand that we can only be reached to a limited extent during the relocation days, as we must move our telephone system and network components. During this time, please use the mobile numbers of your personal contacts.

From April 1st, 2018 we will have a new company name and the following new address:


Fujiallee 4

65451 Kelsterbach (Germany)

phone : +49 (0)6107 / 68 42 – 000

email : fec_info@fuji-euro.de

Please inform all contact persons and departments in your company about these changes.

P.S. This is not an April Fool’s joke. We are packing the last boxes and look forward to work for you from our new premises. We are happy to welcome you personally after the move.

FUJI MACHINE MFG. (EUROPE) GmbH will speak at the 6th EPP InnovationsFORUM in Böblingen

In the middle of the economically strong southwest of Germany, as well as with an ideal traffic connection, the Böblinger Kongresshalle is the perfect venue. Organized by EPP, the forum is understood as a high-quality presentation and discussion platform for experts – and newcomers too – from the electronics industry.

6. InnovationsFORUM Deutschland will take place on March 7th, 2018 at Kongresshalle Böblingen, Germany!

Focus 2018: Process optimization and data integration

  • How can production be optimized through approaches from Industry 4.0?
  • How can process management be sensibly used?
  • How can visualization simplify or optimize the process?
  • How much “smart” does the process optimization require?
  • Is a common, uniform data structure feasible?

Sascha Frieling, as speaker from Fuji, will present a concept for maintaining competitiveness in assembly manufacturing:

Optimization of production with M2M communication

Built on the principles of Industry 4.0, the fully realized Smart Factory is linked with machines from other companies in M2M communication. As it is the market trend, all electrical devices want to be connected to a network with IoT and smart grids, and this will help to build a more sustainable society. The goal behind this is the automation of product changeover, printing and assembly process as well as maintenance and other tasks required for production. In addition, processes should be monitored to intervene where parameters must be changed.

For more information about the forum please visit http://www.innovationsforum-epp-emsnow.com/