FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION will speak at the 7th EPP InnovationsFORUM in Böblingen

In the middle of the economically strong southwest of Germany, as well as with an ideal traffic connection, the Böblinger Kongresshalle is the perfect venue. Organized by EPP, the forum is understood as a high-quality presentation and discussion platform for experts – and newcomers too – from the electronics industry.

7. InnovationsFORUM Deutschland will take place on March 13th, 2019 at Kongresshalle Böblingen, Germany!

Focus 2019: Future solutions for an individual electronics production in Germany

Jonas Ernst will speak from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION at 2 o’clock at Europasaal with following lecture:

What are the Big Guys doing, that the Small Guys don’t – Create a smart factory

In my presentation, I go down a bit from the high level and show that you do not need everything to produce like I4.0, but that small and medium-sized companies can pick out individual solutions that represent the greatest added value in the first step. In short: I4.0 explained in small individual solutions that can be implemented independently.

For more information about the forum please visit http://epp.industrie.de/innovationsforum-deutschland/

Register now and use the coupon code fuji19IFD for your free ticket.