FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION at productronica: Automated and flexible assembly

Specialist for pick-and-place machines pushes productivity increase and a more sustainable future with “R” machine series

Kelsterbach, 21 September 2023 – The electronics industry is in the midst of digital transformation. The sector and production requirements are changing. With its “R YOU READY?” campaign, FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH ( www.fuji-euro.de) is helping companies to solve the challenges posed by this change. In the course of this, the specialist for electronics placement machines is presenting its “R-Series” at “productronica 2023”. These are machines that reduce manual activities to a minimum and are aimed at energy efficiency, flexibility, high-speed and high-precision placement. At the show, FUJI will showcase these and other solutions for automated and flexible placement in Hall A3, Booth 317.

The electronics industry is facing growing challenges. On the one hand, digitization and networking must be driven forward – equipment and systems must be able to communicate seamlessly with each other for end-to-end processes and be integrated into software landscapes. At the same time, market players are facing staff shortages, a lack of raw materials, the energy crisis and fluctuations in demand with rising production costs. Competitive pressure is high.

“Productivity in manufacturing has never been as important as it is today. With our “R” placement machines, we aim for highly efficient and agile production that is also designed for sustainability. Our placement machines of the R-Series support a wide range of production types and prove to be very economical and energy-saving,” says Stefan Janssen, Managing Director of FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH.

At “productronica”, FUJI will demonstrate various automation solutions as well as an electronics production line without human intervention, consisting of the NXTR PM printer and the NXTR A placement machine, with a connection to an AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot). This allows FUJI to show visitors the interaction of the machines, the heart of the FUJI Smart Factory 2.0, and in the course of this the newly developed RH placement heads, which are used in the R series. The NXTR A automates previously manual processes such as feeder exchange and material replenishment. This frees machine operators from feeder exchange and parts supply tasks, which usually account for the largest share of the operator’s work in front of the placement machines.

Automation and sustainability in placement

The NXTR A and NXTR S placement machines belong to the “R” machine series. They offer a modular design that allows quick adaptations to changing production requirements. Heads, units and even entire modules can be changed without tools. Predictive maintenance is enabled by self-diagnostics that prevent sudden machine stops from affecting the production schedule.

The NXTR models support high-speed panel production, with high throughput without compromising quality. With the intelligent sensor system, stable and high quality placement is guaranteed. The status of the machine is monitored in real time and the load on components and panels is controlled at the same time.

“In response to market demand, we have released new 2RV modules as part of our NXTR S. The 2RV modules are even faster than the NXTR modules without compromising the transportability of the NXTR modules. The NXTR modules have the largest supported plate size among the NXT machine series. This makes the 2RV modules suitable for a wide range of production, including automotive panels, mobile devices, LED displays and much more,” explains Stefan Janssen.

The third and last in the alliance of the R-series is the new placement solution AIMEXR, which also addresses several central challenges of SMT production: Energy saving, individualization and flexibility as well as speed and efficiency. The solution is designed for uninterrupted operation while reducing energy consumption by around ten percent compared to previous solutions. The AIMEXR can accommodate up to 130 different part types and produce panels up to 1,068 x 610 mm, a very high level of versatility.

In addition, FUJI’s support tool “mobile Conductor” makes it possible to schedule woman and manpower in order to save walking distances. This results in reducing downtime, as operators are informed and can act immediately. Notifications can also be made for non-FUJI equipment.

Automation solutions for the entire process chain

At “productronica”, FUJI will also be showing other solutions and tools that enable fully automated processes. “Our aim is to continuously increase efficiency throughout the entire process chain of placement, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact. With our placement machines, we support, among other things, the optimization and automation of logistics, maintenance and changeover processes. This saves time, effort and ultimately energy,” says Stefan Janssen.

FUJI equipment at YAZAKI: New electric vehicle converter system goes into production

Kelsterbach, 16. August 2023 – Automotive supplier YAZAKI has expanded capacity at its production site in Arad, Romania. For a new production line, YAZAKI Component Technology S.R.L. (YCT) relies on 13 FUJI automatic placement machines, handled by FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). The line includes 3 sFAB-D and 10 NXTR-S to manufacture a bidirectional DCDC converter system for electric vehicles. As a result, the line includes all the equipment required for automotive products and can ensure a high level of throughput and product quality.

YAZAKI Component Technology S.R.L. (YCT) with its production site in Arad is part of YAZAKI Europe Ltd. which is a major member of the YAZAKI Group. Founded in 1941, the globally active company is one of the leading manufacturers of wire harnesses or cable sets. The product range is focused on the automotive and power systems sectors.

Bogdan Baicu, SMT, Soldering & Coating PE Coordinator at YAZAKI Arad explains : “One of our main focuses is on the automotive business. Our latest product is a highly intelligent bidirectional 11-kW OBC-DCDC converter system for electric vehicles, which has the highest protection rating of 6K9K. A new line was required to produce this innovation, which meets the complex technological requirements.”

New line for the production of new converter system

The plant in Arad (Romania) operates 8 SMD lines and is one of three production sites of YAZAKI. The latest line is now equipped with 3 sFAB-D and 10 NXTR-S from FUJI for the production of the new converter system. This converter system for e-vehicles features high integration capability, small size and light weight. It also offers complete protection against dust and splash water entering the system at close range, as well as against high pressure and high temperatures. This demanding product quality must be ideally reproduced in production. The new line therefore has all the equipment required for such automotive products, including MES (Manufacturing Execution System).

“In particular, the NXTR-S smart factory platform offers us unique options that are essential for manufacturing our new product. For example, the pick-and-place machine gives us better board handling, more CPH – components per hour – and greater flexibility in terms of part size, with fewer head types. In addition, we now have a touch-down sensor, line control unit, part inspection and more feeder slots than usual. There is compatibility with existing feeders,” says Bogdan Baicu.

The sFAB-D also supports the high requirements. FUJI’s automated multi-purpose manufacturing machine enables flexible placement of various part sizes, shapes and delivery types of leaded components. It automates THT placement processes that were previously performed manually and ensures stable quality.

Overall, with the new line, YAZAKI achieves the product quality and speed in manufacturing that the e-vehicle market requires today.

Faster (re)action in SMD production: ETB electronic expands placement capacity with FUJI

E²MS-Dienstleister zielt auf höhere Geschwindigkeit und Flexibilität

Kelsterbach, 2. August 2023 – In der Elektronikfertigung sind die Auftragsbücher derzeit vielerorts prall gefüllt. Der E²MS-Spezialist ETB electronic erhöht daher seine Fertigungskapa­zitäten und legt dabei Wert auf Flexibilität. Das bedeutet, das Unternehmen möchte in Zukunft die Fertigung an aktuelle Anforderungen besser anpassen können. Im ersten Investitionsschritt kommen in der 4.000 qm großen Produktionshalle sechs skalierbare Be­stückungsplatt­formen NXTIII zum Einsatz, ein Konzept der FUJI EUROPE CORPO­RATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). Auf ins­gesamt fünf Produktions­linien sollen sukzessive weitere Bestückungsauto­maten von FUJI installiert werden, um eine hocheffiziente und agile Fertigung zu erreichen.

Die 1983 gegründete ETB electronic entwickelt, produziert und montiert technisch anspruchsvolle Elektronik und komplette Geräte. Das Unterneh­men beschäftigt rund 200 Mitarbeitende und hat die Hauptkundschaft in den Be­reichen Industrie, Maschinenbau, Automatisierung, Medizintechnik und Automotive.

Der E²MS-Spezialist strebt eine hochautomatisierte Fertigung an. In der im Jahr 2022 erweiterten Produktionshalle werden Muster, Vorserien und Serien gefertigt. In der SMD-Bestückung kommen bislang auf vier Linien Bestücker eines anderen Anbieters zum Einsatz.

Mit flexibler Technologie schnell an Veränderungen anpassen

Für die Zukunft möchte ETB electronic noch schneller auf neue Kundenbedürfnisse und Nachfrageschwankungen reagieren. Die Linien werden daher vorerst um sechs Bestücker der NXTIII-Serie von FUJI erweitert, woraus sich eine Erhöhung der Ge­samtleistung um rund 60.000 CPH (Components per hour) ergibt. Es sollen suk­zessive weitere Bestückungslösungen von FUJI folgen.

Die Bestückungsautomaten NXT III von FUJI bilden künftig das Herzstück der SMD-Bestückung bei ETB electronic. Damit wird nicht nur die SMT-Bestückungskapazität ausgebaut und die Produktivität erhöht, sondern auch die gebotene Flexibilität erzielt. Die NXT III ist für die flexible High-Mix-Produktion ausgelegt. Die modulare und skalierbare Lösung eignet sich insbesondere für die Bestückung multi­funktionaler und leistungsstarker Elektronik bei beispiels­weise hoher Bestückungs­dichte von winzigen Bauteilen und vielem mehr. Durch die Skalierbarkeit und einen hohen Grad an Auto­mati­sierung kann sich ETB electronic in Zukunft agil auf neue Markt- und Kundenan­forderungen einstellen.

Output tripled with FUJI: R&D Elektronik increases placement output in electronics manufacturing

E²MS service provider expands capacities heading for series production

Kelsterbach, July 27th, 2023 – The demand for high volumes is rising in electronics manufacturing – driven, among other things, by increasing digitization and the associated rise in demand for electrical components. The E²MS service provider R&D Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, a company of the R&D Group, is adapting to this situation and establishing efficient series production processes. To this end, the company will in future be relying on placement machines from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). With the help of three modules from the AIMEX series, the company was able to more than triple its output.

With almost 50 years of industry experience, the R&D Group is an expert in the field of electronic control technology, electronics and mechanical engineering. As a full-service E²MS provider, R&D Elektronik manufactures and develops electronic products – from prototype to series production. In doing so, R&D Elektronik pays attention to a balanced industry mix of industrial electronics, medical technology, automotive and consumer electronics.

The company already had an placement line in operation for small and medium-sized series production (100 to 1,000 units). The growing demand for high-volume production necessitated an expansion in this area. “The demand for electronic components and devices is increasing across all industries. Electronics are increasingly being used in a wide range of industrial applications. For this reason, we have significantly expanded our production capacities,” explains Theo Schelasni, plant manager at R&D Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG.

Placement in series: positioned for the future

The previous placement line, which is and will remain in operation, produces 35,000 CPH (components per hour). Recently, an additional line was installed, with three modules AIMEX IIIc, FUJI`s flexible high-mix placement machine, producing 75,000 CPH. Thus, the total output could be more than tripled in a very short time. “The FUJI placement machines are running at full speed in our production since the beginning of May 2023. The positive effects were noticeable immediately. We can now also realize larger series production and see ourselves optimally positioned for future challenges,” says Theo Schelasni.

The AIMEX IIIc all-in-one pick-and-place machine supports any type of production and changes in used package shapes. It enables the processing of smallest chip components up to large components. It allows easy ramp-up of new productions or reaction to changes in package shapes. The AIMEX IIIc model can accommodate up to 130 feeders (8mm) on one machine. It can also handle large PCBs with ease. This results in high performance and flexibility – and R&D can respond quickly to changing requirements.

NIDEC CORPORATION drives electromobility: Investment in automatic placement machine from FUJI

Automotive supplier establishes plant in Novi Sad as new Competence center for inverter production in Europe

Kelsterbach, 4. July 2023 – Kelsterbach, xx. Juni 2023 – The development of new technologies and the creation of a corresponding infrastructure is essential to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles. The NIDEC Group is therefore expanding its capacities in Serbia – among other things with a plant for the production of automotive inverters and control units. There, the automotive supplier is using the scalable FUJI placement machine NXTR, handled by FUJI EUROPE CORPO-RATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). The NXTR aims to optimize product preparation and maintenance processes as well as the automation of manual placement processes for the purpose of comprehensive networking and self-optimized production.

“Inverters in electric vehicles play an essential role in increasing energy efficiency. They enable precise control of the flow of electricity by converting the direct power from the batteries into the alternating power needed for the electric motors. This enables optimal use of the available energy and reduces the loss of power during conversion,” explains Aleksandar Nestorov, Plant Manager at NIDEC ELESYS CORPORATION.

Recovering braking energy also involves the use of inverters. In conventional internal combustion engines, most of the energy generated during each braking process is lost as heat. Inverters make it possible to recirculate this braking energy back into the batteries and reuse it. This increases the vehicle’s range and the efficiency of the entire drive system.

As a logical consequence of the increasing demand for in-vehicle inverters, partly due to the tightening of environmental regulations in Europe and CO2 emission standards for automobiles, NIDEC Group has expanded its production capacity with two plants in Novi Sad. NIDEC ELESYS CORPORATION produces automotive inverters and control units on an area of 25,000 square meters.

“Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia and has a well-developed infrastructure that meets the needs of the automotive industry. Furthermore, the Serbian government is very interested in promoting the automotive sector. In addition, Novi Sad has a labor force of professionals with experience in the automotive industry. This is why we decided to build a plant here for the production of automotive inverters and control units, among other things,” explains Aleksandar Nestorov.

New production line for inverter production

For the construction of a new production line in this plant, NIDEC ELESYS CORPORATION has chosen different suppliers. ASYS automation systems solutions are used for the laser, printing and board handling. The Rehm Group reflow oven is also part of the line. FUJI acts as the general contractor and provides the NXTR smart factory platform for placement processes. NIDEC is the first company in Serbia using the NXTR. The state-of-the-art placement solution offers a wide range of options and scalability. It can also handle increasing volumes without any problem – even with limited space in production.

A special sensor system ensures stable and high-quality placement. The NXTR platform fully automates the feeder exchange process. Heads and other units can be replaced without tools. Predictive maintenance is enabled by self-diagnostics that prevent sudden machine stops from affecting the production schedule.

“The plant in Novi Sad is to become a major new center of competence for inverter production in Europe. At present, 50 employees are working here, later it will be 200. Solutions for automated, efficient processes – especially for repetitive tasks – are a key building block for us. FUJI’s NXTR is easily scalable and supports our goals by enabling more efficient production and providing growth prospects,” says Aleksandar Nestorov.

New era: FUJI EUROPE introduces placement with AIMEXR for the first time at SMTconnect 2023

20 percent shorter cycle time, reduced en-ergy consumption and new real-time sensor technology for high placement quality

Kelsterbach, March 29th, 2023 – Complexity and customization in SMT production are increasing. At the same time, short response times are required. These and other challenges require highly flexible production support in placement. FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de) has developed the AIMEXR all-in-one placement machine for this purpose, enabling, among other things, short cycle times, real-time sensor technology for improved placement quality and reduced energy consumption. FUJI will showcase the new solution at “SMTconnect 2023” in Nuremberg, Germany, from May 9-11 (Hall 5, Booth 430).

“In electronics manufacturing, being able to respond dynamically to short-term changes in priorities is crucial to competitiveness. Be-cause in many industries, manufacturing companies are subject to rapid change due to constantly changing customer needs and market conditions. Production and intralogis-tics processes must be designed for versatili-ty. Our new AIMEXR all-in-one placement machine aims to support agile manufactur-ing,” explains Stefan Janssen, Managing Director of FUJI EUROPE CORPO-RATION GmbH.

FUJI presents this new placement machine for the first time at SMTconnect to the Euro-pean public. The AIMEXR can flexibly adapt to production requirements: from new product introduction (NPI) to mass production.

Focus on speed, agility and energy

The new placement solution from FUJI ad-dresses several key challenges in SMT pro-duction: The reduction of energy consump-tion, customization and flexibility as well as speed and efficiency.

The AIMEXR achieves fast placement with 20 percent shorter cycle time – and this with the highest quality, supported by new real-time sensor technology. In combination with the latest placement heads, high-performance placement is ensured. This results in high throughput and accuracy in production. In addition, the solution enables uninterrupted operation. At the same time, it reduces energy consumption by around ten percent compared with predecessor solutions.

“The energy crisis has initiated a rethinking process in industry. For a long time, high energy consumption was taken for granted. Now energy savings are at the top of the agenda. And not just for cost reasons. Climate change – and the associated carbon footprint – has clearly come into focus, and electronics and component manufacturing is becoming increasingly green. FUJI has set itself mid-term environmental goals, such as introducing energy-efficient machines and sourcing CO2-free electricity, among other things,” says Stefan Janssen.

Automatisierung ist gefragtAutomation is in demand

In addition to the AIMEXR, FUJI will present further solutions at the trade show. These are used for the automation, monitoring and control of processes and address both medi-um-sized businesses and corporate groups.

Among other things, interested visitors will gain insights into the functions of the NXTR-A Smart Factory platform. The platform shows how to achieve zero placement errors, zero machine stops, and autonomous and opera-tor-free operation. NXTR-A features an auto-matic conveyor change system. This frees operators from changeover and supply work. Additional functions provide relief and auto-mation. In addition, the solution is easily scalable, supporting growth by preventing the need for additional staff.

Process efficiency is also supported by the sItower Various 773 SMD storage system. This system is capable of accommodating 773 individual SMD reels from 7″ to 15″ and can be expanded to a capacity of up to 1,070 SMD reels via goods carrier boxes. In addition, the design of the tower’s 7″ and 13″ storage locations can be individually configured in terms of diameter and belt width.

As machines in the modern factory are software-driven, FUJI will demonstrate at SMTconnect the benefits of using NEXIM software. The production system integrates the functions of the production cycle (Plan, Do, See) for reliable planning and changeover support, flexible data management and the maintenance of high operating rates and quality.

FUJI and Fraunhofer address sustainability

People, processes and systems must work together optimally in modern SMT produc-tion. This meaningful interaction also results in sustainable effects for companies. How the CO2 footprint can be further reduced and a sustainable supply chain can be achieved is the focus at Fraunhofer IZM’s booth 434A in Hall 5, where FUJI is represented as a partner with the Smart Factory platform NXTR-S and the SMD storage system s|tower Various 930.

Pyronix shortens cycle times: With placement technology from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION

Production quality and speed increased through use of SMD placement machines

Kelsterbach, 23. March 2023 – Time is the only resource that cannot be bought or produced. But it can be managed. Cycle times are a crucial factor in electronics manufacturing. To reduce cycle times and increase production quality and speed, Pyronix Ltd. uses the AIMEX IIIc SMD placement machine from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de), among others. Recently, the company invested in an additional AIMEX IIIc. In combination with the previously introduced FUJI solutions, Pyronix now has a highly flexible product line with different placement heads that solve different challenges in high-mix production.

Pyronix is a manufacturer and designer of electronic security equipment for use in home, business and industrial applications. The company develops a wide range of wired and wireless intrusion detection systems and relies on market-leading technologies exclusively designed by its in-house research and development team. Pyronix is constantly expanding and updating its production to be ready for the future.

High placement performance with a wide range of variants in production

As electronics production is becoming more complex due to ever smaller batch sizes, a greater number of varieties and an increasing number of components on a printed circuit board, the demands on placement are increasing. Pyronix therefore expanded its production with flexible placement machines. The company has been using various FUJI placement solutions, including those from the AIMEX family, for many years. Recently, an additional AIMEX IIIc SMD placement machine was purchased for the Rotherham South Yorkshire facility. This provides Pyronix with a complete, highly flexible product line at this site, including high-speed H24, versatile H08m heads and flexible DX heads. The expandable AIMEX IIIc supports Pyronix’s high-mix production with high placement performance and flexibility.

The Single-Robot DX head used in the AIMEX IIIC enables the placement of a wide range of parts with a single head, such as parts as small as 0.3 x 0.15 mm. This is possible because the head can automatically switch between different types of mini turrets during placement. The head applies a maximum pressure of up to 98 Newtons and can also optionally set adhesive dots. Various configurations of single- or double-track transport and with single or double robots are available.

“In terms of flexibility, precision and quality, we have taken our manufacturing to a new level with FUJI solutions and the recent deployment of the new AIMEX IIIC. After only a short period of use, we noticed that production quality and speed improved and that cycle times in product manufacturing were also reduced. The modularity offered by FUJI also allows us to react quickly to changing requirements. The placement solutions grow along with our needs,” explains Lee Reynolds, Supply Chain Director at Pyronix.

Hungarian electronics industry is growing: FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION strengthens local activities

New managing director of the Hungarian branch, Increase of the team and expansion of the market presence

Kelsterbach, 15. February 2023 – The Hungarian electronics industry has grown strongly in recent years and continues to develop positively. This is due, among other things, to an investment boom in electromobility. It is the declared aim of the government to establish Hungary as one of the most important locations for battery production in Europe. This development is also underlined by the placement specialist FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). The company is expanding its activities in Hungary and neighboring countries – also in terms of human resources. The new managing director of the Hungarian branch is Adam Salusinszky.

“There are currently numerous projects and efforts on the part of leading global companies to expand manufacturing capacity in the electronics industry in Hungary. We see a very high dynamic in battery cell production. Several groups are settling in Hungary for this purpose. Parallel to this, the demand for printed circuit boards is increasing – the PCBA segment is recording a 22 percent increase compared to the year 2021,” explains Adam Salusinszky, new Managing Director Hungarian Branch Office of FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH.

Adam Salusinszky joined FUJI’s Hungarian branch in 2014 and took over as Managing Director at the beginning of 2023. Previously, this position was held by Tibor Asztalos, who has now retired after 17 years in this position.

“Printed circuit boards are needed for many components of the automotive industry – from batteries to parking heaters. We can also feel the strong growth in this area in our order volume and ongoing project figures. But other sectors of industry in Hungary are also increasingly relying on the development of electronics manufacturing and placement, including electronic manufacturing services. The localization of production in Hungary is progressing,” says Adam Salusinszky and continues, “Especially now, automation is in demand. FUJI with its automated solutions for SMD or THT placement can be the answer to the manpower shortage in many places.”

Expansion of sales activities also in Slovenia and Croatia

Today, a total of 3,800 placement machines are installed in the business territory of the Hungarian subsidiary. FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION covers all areas of modern production in Europe: from highly flexible placement systems in high-mix to complete placement lines in high-volume.

One of FUJI’s main goals in Hungary is to offer customers short distances and response times as well as high quality in service and support. For sales support, Ferenc Fiausch moved from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION headquarters in Kelsterbach to the Hungarian branch in mid-2022, where he holds the position of Regional Account Manager.

“With the latest SMD pick-and-place machine NXTR, we plan to expand our sales activities in Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. We are also focusing on training, as the Budapest office is FUJI’s second training center in Europe,” says Ferenc Fiausch.

Sarolta Horvath, Manager Assistant, has joined the company as of October 2022, taking over responsibilities of Eva Asztalos, who retired at the end of the year.

GEMAC equipped production in Chemnitz with complete line concept from FUJI

Electronic manufacturing and development company plans to further expand EMS business and strengthen market position

Kelsterbach, February 6th, 2023 – GEMAC Chemnitz GmbH (www.gemac-chemnitz.de) is specialized in sensor and measuring technology. The company manufactures its own products and provides selected customers with manufacturing services. In order to strengthen its market position, to technologically secure the targeted growth and to meet the increasing requirements of the growing miniaturization of electronic components, GEMAC is now relying on a complete line concept from FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH (www.fuji-euro.de). Among other things, six NXTIII placement machines were installed on the new production line. The total investment volume for these solutions is around 1.5 million euros. The goals are higher productivity and flexible high-mix production.

GEMAC Chemnitz GmbH has more than two decades of experience in the PCB equipment industry, specialized in small to medium-sized series. In the service sector, the company manufactures individual products from equipped PCBs to electronic components and complex devices according to customer requirements.

Tilo Rothkirch, Managing Director at GEMAC Chemnitz GmbH, explains: “We want to further expand our portfolio and continue to grow in the coming years. Since the demands on electronics manufacturing are constantly increasing, we can only generate the targeted development in this area with very powerful placement solutions. The pick-and-place machines we had been using up to now had neither the performance we wanted nor the flexibility we needed. They were more of a brake than an accelerator. We therefore decided to install a new production line at the beginning of the year.”

The overall line concept was developed by FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH. It includes six scalable NXTIII placement machines from FUJI as well as an oven from SMT Wertheim, handling modules from ASYS, a printer from EKRA and measuring & testing technology from GÖPEL electronic.

Flexibility and possibilities for development made the difference

FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION covers all areas of modern production in Europe: from highly flexible placement systems in high-mix to complete placement lines in high-volume.

The NXTIII placement machine is the core of the new production line at GEMAC. The modular and scalable solution is particularly suitable for the placement of multifunctional and high-performance electronics with, for example, high placement density of tiny components and much more. NXT III is designed for high productivity, placement quality, ease of use and speed.

Individualization, versatility and speed determine electronics production today. GEMAC expects the new placement machines and the other components of the line solution to make the company fit for the future.

Tilo Rothkirch says: “We expect increased throughput, with very high quality and flexibility at the same time. In addition, scalability and a high degree of automation mean that we can always adapt quickly to changing requirements. In particular, this also helps us to put into practice lessons learned from 2.5 years of global procurement crisis. This not only keeps us competitive, but ideally also gives us a competitive edge. The resource-saving properties of the new production line also support our efforts to achieve sustainability, which made it possible to obtain appropriate funding from the Free State of Saxony.”

FUJI showcases placement solutions for the factory of the future at “Southern Manufacturing & Electronics” in the UK


Machines and services from FUJI enable electronics production under competitive conditions in the UK and Ireland

Kelsterbach, January 23, 2023 – Placement constantly demands new solutions to increase precision, quality, and flexibility in production. Automation continues to gain momentum here. FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION ( www.fuji-euro.de) offers placement solutions that meet these requirements. For example, the AIMEX IIIc enables higher productivity and flexible high-mix production through automated processes. This makes it worthwhile for companies to have their own printed circuit board production. FUJI will be demonstrating the resulting competitive advantages and other solutions at booth K130 at “Southern Manufacturing & Electronics” from February 7-9, 2023, in Farnborough, England.

“A lot of customers had moved their production abroad due to low labor costs and infrastructure. For some months now, we have been noticing a turnaround. Partly due to the ongoing supply bottlenecks and the resulting shortage of materials, more and more FUJI customers are shifting their focus to their own PCB production – especially in the UK and Ireland. This is particularly true for medical products, which represent a major growth area in the global electronics industry,” explains Martin Rennie, Branch Manager UK & Ireland at FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH.

FUJI is therefore stepping up its activities in these countries and supporting manufacturing companies, for example, in setting up their own production lines. By providing the machines and accompanying services, many manufacturing companies no longer need to procure from external EMS service providers.

At Southern Manufacturing & Electronics, FUJI will showcase its latest hardware offerings and software features. The annual industrial show is the leading industry event for the UK manufacturing industry and its supply chains. The event therefore provides the ideal platform for FUJI to promote its solutions to audiences from the UK, Ireland and elsewhere. The AIMEX family is one of the series the company will be showcasing on its stand.

Automation in placement is becoming increasingly important

“Today, placement processes, for example for electronic printed circuit boards, are subject to continuously growing requirements in terms of high-mix production or variable-mix and variable-volume production. This requires solutions that allow maximum flexibility. Our SMD placement machine AIMEX III/IIIc is designed accordingly versatile and supports the fast placement of chip parts as well as the production of high-mix parts”, explains Artur Tobolski, Regional Account Manager UK & Ireland of FUJI EUROPE CORPORATION GmbH.

The AIMEX III/IIIc machine platform allows any type of production and change of part type. Very small to very large parts can be handled by one machine. This makes it easy to start up new productions or to react quickly to errors that occur. Multiple inspection modes prevent the occurrence of defects and ensure high quality. The time and effort required is drastically reduced by advantages such as the reduction in the number of changeovers. Operation is extremely simple.

“The AIMEX III/IIIc placement system meets the requirements of the modern factory through fully automatic changeover, offline maintenance and automation of material management. The modern factory thrives on automated processes in order to ensure the high efficiency and competitiveness that are indispensable today,” says Artur Tobolski.